What Employers Need to Know about Connecticut’s New GAME CHANGING Pay Discrimination Law

David Lewis - Webinar Recording Image

Event  presented by:

David Lewis
CEO of OperationsInc

As of October 1, Connecticut employers will face a new law that will change the way they interact with both employees and potential new hires. Titled “An Act Concerning the Disclosure of Salary Range for a Vacant Position,” the law imposes new requirements on Connecticut employers to disclose wage range information to both job applicants and existing employees. Wage ranges must be shared not only at certain milestones such as during job offers, but at any time the applicant or employee requests.

With only a few weeks before the law takes effect, Connecticut employers must act now to ensure compliance. Violations could result in civil action brought by applicants and employees, and potential involvement by the CT Department of Labor and the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities.

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